The *Canberra Times* publication states that the quantity of gaming machines within the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is progressively decreasing. Nevertheless, the ACT administration stresses that attaining its objective of reduction will necessitate a careful strategy.
Presently, there are 3,611 functioning gaming machines in Canberra, whereas the number of permitted machines stands at 3,863. The administration’s aim, founded on a power-sharing accord between the Labor and Greens parties, is to diminish the number of gaming devices in Canberra clubs to 3,500 by 2024. However, the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns considerably affected club earnings, compelling the administration to reevaluate its approach for accomplishing this decrease.
Gaming Minister Shane Rattenbury recognized that meticulous policy actions will be required in the approaching years to reach the objective of 3,500 machines. The administration is even investigating the prospect of some clubs becoming entirely gaming-device-free.
“Undoubtedly, COVID has had a financial effect on clubs, being within the hospitality industry, which we’ve observed as one of the most severely impacted,” Rattenbury stated.
“While the clubs have performed admirably throughout COVID, it has certainly had repercussions, and I believe that’s something the administration needs to consider as we contemplate these transitional measures.”
It’s noteworthy that the ACT administration is presently welcoming applications for its upcoming phase of diversification financing. This funding aspires to assist clubs in exploring substitute revenue channels and lessening their dependence on gaming machines.
This financial resource, established in 2019, receives funding from organizations, providing them an opportunity to request financial aid. The objective is to assist these organizations in reducing their dependence on gaming machines and exploring alternative revenue streams. Consider it a recurring payment: for each slot machine, up to a maximum of 99, organizations contribute 20 Australian dollars – approximately 14 US dollars – monthly.