The website Casino Expert has partnered with Mindway AI to release a new self-evaluation instrument intended to assist individuals in comprehending their wagering behaviors.

This instrument, presented as a straightforward card game, purports to gauge a user’s likelihood of developing gambling-related issues. It delivers tailored insights based on the user’s selections and their responses to gains, setbacks, and other elements within the game.

Simon Vincze, Head of Responsible Gaming at Casino Expert, lauded the joint effort, stating, “Mindway AI are genuine leaders in their domain. I am confident that together we possess significant potential to assist numerous players, and I am deeply appreciative of Mindway AI’s willingness to grasp and champion our vision.” He underscored the significance of self-awareness for gamblers, remarking, “Knowledge is empowering, and the more players comprehend their own wagering patterns and inclinations, the better prepared they will be to regulate their gambling and avert any undesirable outcomes.”

The assessment itself is founded on Mindway’s “Gamalyze” solution. Participants are tasked with drawing 80 cards, sequentially, from four pre-set decks. Each card drawn either augments or diminishes the player’s initial balance of €2,000 (roughly $1,959). Mindway clarifies that the tool employs principles of neuroscience to scrutinize the player’s decision-making progression throughout the game.

Mindways chief executive, Rasmus Kjaergaard, conveyed his excitement about the collaboration with Casino Guru. He stressed that incorporating Gamalyze into their system presented a remarkable chance to connect with a broader demographic. This joint effort would be crucial in assisting users in gaining a more profound comprehension of their choices while engaging in wagering activities. Kjaergaard further noted that this alliance would bolster their initiatives to advocate for responsible gaming principles throughout the sector. By disseminating their solution to fellow gambling providers, their objective was to enable the industry at large to prioritize the safeguarding of players.

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By Emily "Charm" Thompson

With a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's in Statistics, this skilled author specializes in creating engaging casino-related content. Their deep knowledge of probability theory, combinatorics, and statistical analysis allows them to provide accurate and informative articles. They have a passion for applying mathematical concepts to real-world situations, particularly in the context of casino games. Their work has been featured in various online and print publications, earning them recognition in the gambling industry.

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